Command: pkginfo (part of pkgtools)

  PKGINFO is a command line utility to to display metadata and file
  information for installed packages.


Usage PKGINFO: [options] [package]
     [options]   Options are not case specific. If no options are
                 provided than /L is assumed by default.
     [package]   Complex wildcard to specify package(s). Supports things
                 like fd*pkg, *zip*, ?d*, etc.


Basic modes of operation:
  /H         Display help and exit
  /N         Names of installed packages
  /L         List installed packages (names, titles, version)
  /I         Details of installed packages
  /D         Like /I, but provides more detail information
  /W item    List only packages that contain a specific file or
             directory to find out to which package it belongs.

Mode modifier options:
  /R         Report missing files
  /E         List executable files
  /A         List all files
  /U         Determine disk usage
  /P         Pause output, one page at a time
  /S wild    Search the package information for text matching wild

Miscellaneous options:
  /VER       Display version information
  /NLS lang  Use lang translations instead of system setting
  //         Force using the / for the switch character


  PKGINFO is a command line utility to to display metadata and file
  information for installed packages. Mostly, using it is straight
  forward. Just a couple things to note. First, the list of packages
  can be limited by using an advanced wildcard. For example, *XMS* and
  ?D*N all return expected results. Second, is the search option. You
  can limit search to only specified packages or by default all packages
  will have there metadata searched. The search is basically another
  advanced wildcard as well. So, you could do a "pkginfo *fd* /s
  gnu*ver*2" and get a list of all packages that whose id contains FD and
  contain gnu*ver*2 somewhere in their metadata. You can also tack on /d
  to have the metadata displayed as well. For the most part, the order of
  command-line parameters makes no difference.
  PKGINFO supports NLS.


  PKGINFO /P /VER  Shows program version
  PKGINFO /P /E    Lists executable programs
  PKGINFO /P /R    Reports missing files

See also:


  Copyright © 1990-2022 Jerome Shidel, help version 2023 W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.